Happy Holidays!!!
Published: November 28, 2022
The turkey has been eaten and the weather is getting cold. We are on the home-stretch to Christmas and New Year’s Day.
Tradition in my home is that the Christmas decoration go up on the day after Thanksgiving. Going through all of the ornaments that have been passed down from generation to generation and the stories that go with them is one of my favorite family activities.
With both of my daughters away at college, this year was extra special. I was reminded with each ornament placed on the tree of a memory of them when they were little. Although they are now young women, when we are placing ornaments on the tree, they are eight year old little girls in my mind.
Remember to not get caught up in the hustle and bustle of day to day life. Make sure to step back and make memories with your family, because before you know it, you will miss something important.
Happy Holidays everyone!